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Rabu, 22 Jun 2011

sepintas lalu...

a true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down....
by Arnold H. Glasow

tau nape aku post entri ni???
he....sape2 yg faham nan ayt diatas sile terangkan kpd aku~
blh tak???

aku jumpe ayt ni tyme test calculus td....
aku rasa ayt motivasi....
sbb aku tak jawab pun soklan calculus td.....

bg respon ya...tq...
aku hargai ^_^ sungguh!

10 ulasan:

CintaZulaikha berkata...

setiap kali masuk blog nih, rasa nak berkawad kaki plak bla dgr lagu yg ada...hee~~

Unknown berkata...

erk test calculus pon ade quote? haha

einz berkata...

kak ct:hahaha...yup2~semangat sikit nak menaip..hahaha....
bunbun:yup....miss sy hebat2 blake....tabik potato spring~

Ibtisam Najmi berkata...

this is how I interpret the words,,,
kawan sejati,,,takkan buat kamu rosak dlm kehidupan...tetapi membantu utk menjadi lebih baik..
kawan sejati,,,takkan musnahkan kebahagiaan kawan2 dia...dan apabila kawan2 dia ada masalah, etc...dia akan berusaha membantu sedaya upaya...
a friend indeed is a friend in need~

einz berkata...

if in calculus what does it means????do maths is a friend of mine???

Ibtisam Najmi berkata...

kalau math-term's interpretation,,,
kita takkan kenal,,,takkan ingat maths equations kalau kita tak selalu selesaikan maths' quizzes...
bila kita ber'kawan' dgn those questions etc...the equations will be familiarized to us...
so, bila kita rasa susah je nak selesaikan soalan tu, 'kwn2' kita pasti akan menjengah d minda,,,n u'll solve the problem,,,

einz berkata...

hahaha....i loike this statement!!!!hahaha...tenkiu najmi....
i think that's why la miss paen letak kata2 hikmah tu....

Ibtisam Najmi berkata...

yg first interpretation tu actually hint for the 2nd interpretation :)

einz berkata...

tau tp najmi bg penjelasan baek punye~i loike!!!

Ibtisam Najmi berkata...
